
Showing posts from October, 2017

Stage 4: Trump's "Couched" Lies

     This is an opinion piece I found on but was originally posted from the New York Times on October 19th about President Trump's tendency to stretch the truth . It was written by Charles M. Blow, who has been covering Trump's candidacy and Presidency in his opinion column since he had begun running and it seems safe to say that he has done his research. His intended audience is most likely both left and right wing Americans with his message about the completely failed comparison of Hitler to Trump geared towards Democrats and his message about Trump's inclination to lie and then shield himself from the lie, more directed at Republicans he hoped would take notice.      Blow's main claim in this editorial is that President Trump has had a continued history of making bold claims on twitter or to the news but using phrases like "I was told", "lots of people saying", or "people thi

Stage #3: Gerrymandering and Computers

This is an opinion piece, , from the New York Times written by Jordan Ellenberg on October 6, 2017 about gerrymandering and how computers have affected the practice. Gerrymandering, while being a ridiculous name, is a serious issue. It is the process in which governmental officials redraw district's boundaries to favor their own party and and Ellenberg explains in this article why this has become such a big issue in the 21st century. The author's probable intended audience would be all U.S. voters regardless of party but it could be seen as more geared towards Democratic voters because the evidence used is only about republican's gerrymandering, specifically in Wisconsin. Ellenberg is seen